Saturday, June 24, 2006

Doing fine!

I'm home and doing fine. The procedure went off without a hitch and I'm on the mend. CCB is finally able to relax a little. At least he could relax if he'd get off my back! Do you KNOW how hard it is to sit on your butt while everyone else is busy? That's not an easy thing for me, but I'm trying.

Thank you for all your prayers, kind words, and thoughts. You have all been incredibly helpful. I appreciate you all more than you know.


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the procedure went well, now you can start looking to the future. Try to enjoy your rest as best you can, and have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

Glad everything went well.
You must still be groggy from the anesthetic if watching others work is bothering you..

CaCaBoy said...

Yeah, well what the hell are you doing off the couch typing this???

Go lay down right now! Are you listening, I don't think you are......

CCCCppppCCppp said...

Welcome Home!

Lorna said...

Kudos to CCB! Keep in mind that the effects of general anasthaesia are long-lasting. You may be sleepy a lot. enjoy it.