Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Just thinkin.....

I saw on the Today show that places are now starting to offer "cell phone booths". Now THERE'S an idea. Let's talk on the phone in private! If only we could find a place where 1. We won't be disturbing others with our conversation and 2. We won't be broadcasting our conversation like a radio program. Oh yeah AT HOME! The idea has merit but when the booth is in use, where will all the other cell phone chatters have to take their calls?

I think they should make Pop Tarts and Oreo cookies with no filling.

Why is it that my son can lose interest in a video after 10 minutes and yet he's gone on about his missing rocks and marbles (which I put away last night) for at least an hour now? I'm fighting the urge to give in just to make him stop!

Whose idea was it to write "Have a happy period" on the packaging of my Always maxi pads? I don't have a rough time with that time of the month. No cramps or major mood swings but I really think a "happy period" is asking a little much.

Have a great Tuesday!


Trinity13 said...

Is there such a thing as a happy period???

Kelly said...

I agree with you on the Maxi packaging. Who has a happy period?

CCCCppppCCppp said...

What will they put on the Charmin?

Anonymous said...

'Have a happy period!' is almost as bad as the ads where they portray women on their period as horse riding and bike riding and doing other physical jerks. I don't do that when I'm not on my period - the best things I'm good for on my period are feeling bloated and having a good excuse to be grumpy. Get real, people!

Lucy Stern said...

NO ONE has a "happy period".

Anonymous said...

I think they should have something similar on adult incontinent products.
Perhaps "Have a happy pee"..

The cell phone booths sound just wacky..

Paul said...

cell phone booths are about the stupidest idea ever. what they should do, is put every cell phone user in a booth, and then gas them.