Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Big Fish Tale

If you are reading this post, please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me.

It can be anything you want - good or bad - BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE.

Give me your best Big Fish Tale.

I stole this from Dawn. I thought it was fun coming up with a fictional memory so I thought I'd see how you would do!


The Funky Bee said...

One time, when OGO and I were in highschool we decided we would ditch all of our classes and go to the beach. Well, of course I decided we would go to the beach but OGO was the one with the car so I had to convince her since she's a whitey and she mostly burns instead of tans...

Well, right after Mrs. Oglevies Spanish class we decided to take off. As we were walking through the senior parking lot to her 1987 Volkswagen Cabrio we hear this piercing call from behind us..."LADIES!" We stopped cold and turned around to find Mrs. Webber - the manliest female gym teacher you could ever imagine. We tried to lie once asked where we were going and told her that we were getting a book out of the car but she knew we were lying - she could see OGO's bright pink and orange bathing suit peaking through her shirt and we didn't really have an excuse for that.

Long story short, we both got detention for a week and grounded when we got home. OGO was super mad at me because she wasn't allowed to see CCB while she was grounded but I bought her a milkshake and she got over it, that's what friends do!
Then we skipped the next week and went to the beach successfully. OGO got really sun burnt!

Oh great One said...

Funky Bee- I love it! I am SO a Whitey Whiterton. I burn all the time!

Anonymous said...

I never forget the first time I met OGO, it was at a garden party hosted by the fragrant Lady Fandango Trumpington-Smythe (Lady Fanny) at "The Breeches", their summer residence in Nether Regions, a village near the market town of Little Donger.

OGO was dancing merrily along to "I will survive", resplendent in her pink thong she was wearing on her head, clutching a bottle of Babycham in her hand, professing her undying love to anyone within a 10 metre radius, including inanimate objects such as tables and chairs.

What else could I do at this point to help her, the poor dear? So I nicked her handbag and run off with her husband.

CaCaBoy said...

I remember the first time I met OGO, she was sitting in the bar with her back to me. A few free drinks and two pills of GHB and she was mine! At least until the News starting running the have you seen this girl stories.......

The Fallen Angel said...

I remember the time OGO and I went to see Lethal Weapon and as OGO was ogling Mel Gibson's nekkid tooshie and some guys cell phone rang real loud and he began to talk on it distracting us from the movie so we began to throw popcorn and chewed up gum and candy into his hair until he was a sticky candy haired jerk.

The Funky Bee said...

I KNEW IT! even fake stories are some times real huh? I'm sending you some sun screen and some skin pigment for our next beach outing ;O)

Oh great One said...

Ann- I love it! I do feel resplendnt when I dance in my pink thong!

CCB-I consider myself lucky that your comment wasn't much naughtier!

Angela-You know how much I hate cell phones in public! Nice touch!

Funky Bee-I'm in desperate need of some pigment! CCB can get dark in a flash, but I have to work and work just to get something to pass for a tan!

Oh great One said...

Christina-I actually did save a little boy who had gone out to far while swimming! Only it was in a pool and I don't know if anyone even saw me do it. YOU SO ROCK!

Purring said...

I remember, this one time, at band camp.....

Flora Pang said...

Ooh God, can't you remember me? I am the annoying salesperson who called you at diner times. AND you simply hang up on me...

Hope you liked friend.

Lorna said...

Well, I knew OGO when she was only Oh Mediocre One---but I helped her make the jump. Remember the time I saved you from those white thigh-hugging gauchos? And when I introduced you to the Revlon pink highlighting cream with SPF? And in case anyone thinks we're shallow, remember when we took all the leftover shrimp canapés down to the homeless shelter?

begins with v said...

OGO, do you remember the summers that we would go skinny dipping in our neighbor's pool when they were on vacation? I have always meant to tell you that your Ta-Tas are fantasic! Wish my nipples were that color.

Oh great One said...

Kari-That's a dangerous lead in.

Flora- Was that you? Oh, I am so sorry! If I'd have known that was you I never would have hung up. Put you on hold while I finished my dinner maybe, but never hung up!

Lorna-If I could really revel in your fabulosity I would be thankful!

LBB- Um, are you sure that was me? EWWW!

Slade-Aww shucks! You are too kind!

Stranger said...

One time, OGO came up to the back Forty, perhaps driven by the aroma of pizzas made by the one and only Pizzaslinger. From the first bite she was transported to her own heaven. As she ate, she was shocked when a hooded man entered the pizzeria and attempted to rob the Pizzaslinger. In an instant OGO was on her feet, and managed to sneak behind the man as he stood in front of Pizzaslinger, gun in hand. Buoyed by a surge of strength OGO does a quick sidestep and kicks the gun out of the robbers hands. She puts the would be robber in a full nelson, while Pizzaslinger give the guy some punches to the face, breaking his nose and giving him 2 shiners that, if she did it right, would be permanent on the guy. Pizzaslinger takes over holding onto the guy and tells OGO to "give him hell". She expertly kicks him repeatedly, breaking a knee, and rendering him infertile. Finally the guy passes out from all the pain, and Pizzaslinger grabs the guy from the scruff of the neck and tosses him outside, as OGO takes the bullets out of the gun and bends it into a pretzel shape. Pizzaslinger comes in, wiping her hands on her apron. She looks up, and smiles, saying "I knew you had super powers. Well done!". SO they both sit and chat and since then have become champions for truth, justice, and the quest for the most perfect pepperoni pizza.

Jay said...

Once, we set sail on a cruise for the Americas. We danced an Irish jig, made love in the back seat of a car, and you drew me in the nude. But then the boat went down, and in the cold, cold ocean you let me sit on the plank of wood all by myself so I could sing inappropriate songs while you died a silent death.

Good times.

Oh great One said...

Stranger-We Super Bloggers must stick together. We must remember to use our powers only for the good of mankind, or a great pizza if the opportunity arises!

Jay-I can't believe you remembered that! I thought you were too busy shivering and complaining about the cold to see me slowly freezing.

LBB- He said it was a chore trying to come up with good content. When he felt like he did come up with good stuff few actually saw it. He says you are a "beast" to be able to consistantly have great posts. I don't know if he will be back or not. He hasn't taken the blog down so maybe there is a chance..