Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Complaint department.

ARG..I just got out of bed a little while ago and I ache from head to toe! I think CCB must be beating me in my sleep because surely resting in my bed doesn't cause pain. Right? My shoulders, neck, and back all hurt. It's more likely to be my pillow I guess. I can never get one that is just right. It's either WAY to fluffy and I lay with my head at a 90 degree angle from the rest of me or it's too flat. I guess I'll have to start a new pillow search. Again.

I finished another afghan. This one is for us though. I made 5 of them last year and realized I didn't have one for me! I gave them all away. I laid it out on my bed to see how it looked all together and I saw that two sections of the yarn are lighter than the rest. You maybe thinking, "What's the big deal?" It is a big deal when you worked on it forever! It is when the yarn's packaging said the same color and "NO DYE LOT". ARG. You can't see it unless you lay it all out flat but still.

I realized recently that I don't make my daughter do much around here. When I was her age I was doing the dishes, mowing the lawn, cleaning my room and both bathrooms! Yet all I make her responsible for is feeding the pets, making her bed, and keeping her room tidy. (Notice I didn't say clean!) It's not that I don't think she could do more. It's just that I've always done everything, it's just easier to do it myself. When my m-i-l visited she suggested that I have my daughter empty the dishwasher for me. She had no idea where anything went! I decided to give it a try since out of all my chores emptying the dishwasher is one I hate most. (I don't know why. I'm just weird.) She's been doing it for a couple of weeks now and I LOVE it! How much responsibility did you have at age 10?

My ant bites feel better today by the way. As it turns out they bite you to get a good grip then they sting you with the stinger on their back end. So you could say ant bite or ant stings. Just thought I'd share what I learned.

I am really am experiencing a lack of quality material lately. I'm kinda like a wrung out sponge! I need some inspiration! I stole something for tomorrow though. It should be fun.

Wednesday's here. We're half way through the week! Hang on!


Anonymous said...

We're trying to do the same with my 10 yo stepdaughter. I'm amazed at how little her natural mother gets her to do. I used to cook roast dinners for the family at her age, I understand that parents worry about minor burns in the kitchen, but when you get burned you only ever do it once!

Trinity13 said...

When I was 10, I was getting up in the middle of the night to help my mom feed the foster kids that we had. I loved doing it though! I also was in charge of doing all the laundry, but at least it was better than the dishes that my sis was in charge of! :-)

Anonymous said...

Kids today have it too easy. When I was 10 I had two full time jobs and I went to school the other 8 hours a day. And I had to walk uphill to each place. There and back. Into the wind, rain and snow..

Lorna said...

When we moved, I took advantage of the upheaval to throw out all the pillows and assuring Daave I knew nothing about what happened to them. when he calmed down, we went to Homesense and I persuaded him to buy us each one of those foam contoured pillows---$45CDN and worth a million

Stranger said...

Those chiropractic pillows are super..I totally reccomend that.Asfor your kid..its good that she is helping around the house. When I was a kid..I had chores from the time I was 5. Hey I had a Greek Mother. Godhelp me if I didn't have the dishes done, my room clean, all the floors swept and mopped (I remember once we didn't have a mop and I washed the floors on my hands and knees), and keeping the rest of the house clean. was rough, but I like the fact that I know how. When I lived in a dorm in college i was shocked how many kids didn't know how to wash their own dishes.
I also like the fact you make afghans. I'm trying to leearn ight now from books. But all I know how to crochet right now is touques, scarves, mitts and socks.

The Funky Bee said...

My grandma made me an afghan to match my room when I was about 10-ish so it's kind of overly peachy but I don't care, I STILL sleep with it on my bed! It is SO warm and it just feels like love when I have it wrapped around me.

About your daughter, I think it's great that you give her other chores. I used to have to wash the dishes and empty the dishwasher too, that's probably why I hate it so much now! My suggestion in the next year or two is to teach her how to do her laundry. It's a very important lesson every child should learn. I was shocked in college at how many kids had NO idea how to wash their own clothes...

Kelly said...

I need a new bed, mine is killing me with its springs poking me in the back.

Sugarfoot said...

It was a little over 13 years ago. OGO was working as a waitress in a little place on the west bank of New Orleans. I spent a summer working on the Harvey canal and from the first time I entered the restaurant I was in love. One night I ordered fried catfish and to my surprise and delight, OGO told me she had caught the catch of the day that morning not far from the restaurant. OGO invited me to go out with her the next morning. The remaining 4 weeks of my job assignment in New Orleans were filled with fishing and more romantic endevors. The night before I was to leave town, I went in to this greasy little spoon to ask OGO to come away with me to the Colorado rockies only to be told that she had found another and was gone, leaving only her pink apron behind. I hear she's been with him ever since.