Monday, July 03, 2006

Good Monday to you!

I say that with a lot more enthusiasm than I feel. I woke up sore this morning. How can I feel like I've been in a prize fight when all I did was go to sleep?

When the doctor gives you orders for your recovery. Listen to them. Follow them. No matter how hot your husband looks getting out of the shower.....*sigh*

Fourth of July is here. Can't decide if fireworks are worth spending the day at the park, sweating our brains out with a "napless" child or not. To be determined....

I'm doing a surf shack theme in my kids bathroom. We found a great "made for two" beach towel to turn into a shower curtain. My husband pounded the grommets into it last night. We cut out a surfboard to hang on the wall that will hold the kids towels! I just need to sand it down and paint it. The lack of barfing has really jump started my enthusiasm to decorate our house. We've been here 6 months now. I think it's time!

I don't think I ever showed any pictures of my daughters room when we finished painting the dots on the walls. So here you go...

Here's a question for you,
Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is? Come on, picture it! :)

(Sorry, still thinking about CCB..the shower...*sigh*)


CCCCppppCCppp said...


When #2 son was born we asked the doc how long should we wait to er... misbehave...

He told us he wanted us to wait until after we left the hospital because it might disturb the nurses.

Your kid's room looks cute but I think you missed a spot...

Trinity13 said...

Wow, her room looks great...when can you come over and decorate my son's room? Hmmm?!!!

Lucy Stern said...

Don't over due! We are supposed to go see fireworks tonight at the Woodlands Pavalion, but we have so much rain the last few days that I think we will forgo the entertainment this time around. We have a tarp that we can take with us to sit on, but it might just start sliding down the hill. Sooo....I think we will stay home and watch a baseball game. Beside, we have almost 100% humidity right now and temps. in the high 80's.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like CCB will be walking like John Wayne for a week when you get the OK from the docs!!!

Flora Pang said...

you are not the ONLY one...I always had dreadful dreams, and when i wake up, i felt like i've run a marathon...

Lorna said...

I feel safe mentioning the dots. The dots are awfully nice. The dots don't make me think of things I'm too dignified to admit to

Anonymous said...

The room looks really nice.
Happy July 4th..

The Funky Bee said...

Awww, your daughter's room is ADORABLE! and the bathroom sounds rad! I want to make one of my guest rooms into a beachy/surfer theme. Sounds like you all are on it. Also glad you're not puking anymore. Hope you're doing alright!