Boy it sure has been quiet around blog land hasn't it? Few new posts and few comments. I hope it's because everyone's out enjoying their summer. A few have called it quits. It makes me sad but I guess I understand. My CCB has posted another post even though he said he was done. If you have a minute go check it out.
The "Explanation of benefits" papers have started coming in. I'm thankful I have insurance however there is something that really irks me. The discounts providers give to the insurance companies are steep. This is good for me but what about the people who don't have insurance? Is it really fair to charge them more? One of the services listed was discounted by $382.96! If someone doesn't have insurance there is usually a reason. Right? One of my friends is having some medical issues but can't go to the doctor because she has no insurance and can't afford the medical bills. Makes me feel a little guilty, like I'm getting some kind of special treatment. I just wish there was a better way.
ANYWHO.......Happy Tuesday!
Uggh, Insurance urkes me too! BUT, it's one of those necessary evils. I wish we had free medical for everyone. I think it would solve A LOT of problems in this country. I am VERY thankful that I have it however...
What really bothers me is when people who live here and have lived here (America) all their lives aren't able to go to the doctor and get the medical attention they need because for whatever reason they don't have health insurance and yet there are illegal immigrants who can go and get medical attention and our TAX DOLLARS PAY FOR IT. WTF?
I'm with Beka..... We have insurance and I am eternally grateful for that. There are some good Discount plans out there for people who can't afford to pay insurance premiums. I happen of market one such plan. Go take a look at my website at:
We have free medical care in Canada. They freely charge us an exhorbitant amount of money each year on our income taxes to provide the free service..
blogland definitely seems to be getting more boring.
The reason why we're not blogging much is because we've all melted into a puddle of happy goo.
I've turned into more of a lurker than anything lately, but I am still here. Sorry for my lack of comments...I just haven't had much of anything to say. Much love to the OGO/CCB clan. And CCB, that love is in a very non gay way, of course.
Don't feel guilty for getting the care that you deserve...but I know what you mean.
I have been kind of sick and busy with work and house hunting. I hate to say it but I actually have been "working" at work. For shame : ) Hope you are having a great week!
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