Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Is there a doctor in the house?

While I was mowing the lawn last Saturday I ran over an ant hill. I saw it and I was aware that I'd disrupted it but I didn't realize that at some time an ant or two managed to get on me and bite me. Do ants bite or do they sting? I don't know. Anyway....Now I have these nasty little spots on my ankle and calf. It looks like it's full of puss but I think it's just my skin. It's yellow in the middle and is circled with a bright red ring. Anyone have an idea what I can do for these bites? They are tender to the touch.

I know, I know, don't touch it. HA! I beat you to it!

Sorry about the lame post. Not much going on around here. With the events of late I am thankful!

Happy Tuesday!


Trinity13 said...

Sorry, but I have no idea what to do! Isn't there some kind of OTC stuff you can put on it?

Mad Housewife said...

Two words:
Benadryl cream

Anonymous said...

Ahh, welcome to Louisiana. Those, my dear, are fire ants, and they bite. You want, no, NEED to get Calomine lotion to put on the bites to ease the pain and make them go away. Use the Calomine VERY generously. And yes, if you want, you can squeeze the fire ant "puss" out of it. I think it helps heal them faster (and stops them from itching, but then it just hurts). Good luck.

Kelly said...

A nice Corn starch water mix helps too.

Anonymous said...

Poor you! I remember from high school biology them little blighters inject formic acid when they bite. I'd reckon on antihistamine cream, it normally cures most things hurty and insecty.

Oh great One said...

I had no idea that fire ants could be black! After reading Bekah's comment I started checking it out. HOLY COW! I thought fire ants were called that cuz they were red. They are called that cuz their stings feel like fire! They actually bite you to get a grip then they sting you with their hind end. NICE.

Anonymous said...

I think hubby should suck the poison out. Or maybe that's for snake bites. Who knows. It's worth a try anyways..

CaCaBoy said...

Hubby only sucks 2 things, and neither one can be written here as this is a porn-free site!

The Funky Bee said...

they might be fire ants. You should call the pharmacy or look online to see what to do...I'm not sure there is much you can do though...

Rainypete said...

Good thing people gave you the fire ant thing to go on. I was going to suggest amputation, but then again I spent too many years at a garden center where we just cut off funny looking things so growth could return. Needless to say I spent a great deal of my time worrying about being beheaded.

Stranger said...

Hmmm...I'd agree with going for the calamine lotion so u don't itch..I don't think you need an antihistamine unless you have a reaction like a rash spreading all over your body. If you do drain the pus out, I reccomend following up with Tea Tree oil...I used to use it when I had psoriasis, and it cleans the wounds out and heals it nicely so you won't have scars. That stuff you can find in most drug stores for 10 bucks. Put a few drops on a cotton ball, and wipe the area gently. I warn you..its an intense smell, but it doesn't sting. Good luck Oh great one..I had ants attack me when I was a kid, but thankfully they were the non biting kind. Still, I was traumatized forever from the experience. Now, My alter ego the Pizzaslinger would, after taking care of the wounds, do away with those nasty ants. One great way is to take a huge pot of boiling, heavily salted water and pour it over the ant hill. Works great.