My hubby picked out some new undies for me the other day and I had to tell you about them. Yes, I let my hubby pick out my underthings. He picks them for comfort (believe it or not) then looks. I tend to do it the other way around. (I have a drawer full of pretty things I hate to wear!) Anyway.....He got me some boy short undies and some boxer brief undies. I didn't even know they made boxer brief undies for women! I thought they would be to bulky and they would bunch up but it isn't bad at all. They are SO comfy! I'm not sure what stuff I'm supposed to wear them with, so far I like them with Jersey shorts. I went to the Hanes website so I could get you a picture. When I found it I had to stare at it for a moment. Who stands like that? What is she doing with that left hand? Regardless of the picture the underwear are super comfy. The next best thing to going commando.
I also tried the Berries and Cream Dr. Pepper recently. FABULOUS! I don't usually like it when companies tinker with my old favorites but this is very tasty! I tried the diet version first, my mother in law left it behind when she went home and I was needing a soda. In my opinion it was better than most diet sodas. Still left a bit of an after taste but not enough to make me stop drinking it! I wouldn't have tried it if it weren't for my mother in law. Now maybe you will try it because of me. Change can be good!
I'll stick with going comando thankyouverymuch! But they are cute, even with the weird picture! I would end up wearing something like that alone around the house.
For some reason Dr. Pepper's diet sodas are really good. I may have to try this one!
Funky Bee- I too enjoy commando but there are times that I have to be a little more "modest" with the kiddies around.....
I love my boxer briefs!!! But I can't wear them with any tight or dressy pants.
That is an odd pose. Does she have a leg cramp? Is she about to sit on the toilet and forgot to pull down her briefs?
I saw that pop the other day! I don't like dr pepeer or i might have tried it. i like the berrie flavored sprites, myself.
cool shorts.
Well obviously she has an itch! Thanks for the review, I am actually going out to buy some new underwear today!
I've worn girl boxers for years, they are so comfy. I'm with you completely on the commando front, especially in this weather.
I think the girl is descretely passing gas. And with her comfy undies she has forgotten she isn't going commando today.
I don't drink Dr.Pepper don't you know. But I will hum their song if you like..
That girl is totally ripping a fart.
And I refuse to ever taste Dr. Pepper's Berries & Cream because of the billboard adds they have everywhere that say "Get berried in cream." It just grosses me out.
If it were me, I would wear my undies for comfort. If you want to wear the sexy ones do it when the kids are in bed and your husband is at home with you. For everyday wear, go for comfort.
I didn't like the Dr. Pepper you were talking about. It tasted funny to me. I like straight Diet Dr. Pepper.
They are sooooo comfy, aren't they? I've been hooked on boyshorts/women's boxer-briefs for a while now. I got my first pair from a Victoria's Secret clearance bin during one of their semi-annual sales. No weggies! Woo-hoo!
As for diet pops, if it's diet I won't try it. I'm a Pepsi girl. Caffeine-free Pepsi girl to be exact.
I think the chick in the photo is trying desperately to keep a log pinched in....just trying to slowly waddle her way into the can so she can avoid soiling the oh so comfy gotchies. Just my impression. Who said toilet humor isn't funny?
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