Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thursday already!

So how was everyone's holiday? Ours was boring. It has rained cat's and dogs everyday since Monday. Not all day but everyday. I love the rain so it doesn't bother me but it sure put a damper on the 4th.

I'm finding it hard to come up with a topic today. The things rattling around in my head don't make sense to me let alone try and express them here. So I'll let the little buggers settle down then we'll see.

CCB has decided to stop writing in his blog. It may be temporary (or not) he doesn't know yet. Why does this make me sad? He lives in my house and I can hear what he has to say any ole time. I hope he decides to come back and flex that creative muscle of his. We'll see.

Tomorrow is my 2 week check up after the D&C. We are hoping for a green light on "extra curricular activities". Did I say hoping? I meant PRAYING. Hmmmm...That word doesn't seem strong enough either. I've been spotting the last couple of days so I don't know what that's about. I should be all done with that stuff by now. I hope everything is ok. If we don't get the doctors clearance I think we will both surely explode! Sorry about bringing up this topic. I don't usually talk about nasty coochies on my blog but I'm like an 18 year old boy right now. It's on my mind ALL the time. Maybe it's that forbidden fruit thing maybe it's just that CCB is so darn hot, I don't know.

The week is almost over! One more day to go then I get 2 whole days with my hubby. I can't wait! It is too long between his weekends off. (He gets Sunday off one week and Saturday and Sunday off the next week.) Finally it's here!

Have yourself a terrific Thursday!


Trinity13 said...

Well, I hope your weekend with your hubby is filled with plenty of chica-chica wah-wah!!!

Mad Housewife said...

Hope you get to get busy soon!

CCCCppppCCppp said...

You are forbidden from entering poerotica until you get the all clear.It will only make things worse. I've got a number of folks who won't visit it at all because they say it keeps them awake at night. So heal,heal,heal and then come back. Hope everything turns out ok.

CCCCppppCCppp said...


To paraphrase Valery

A blog is never finished
Only abandoned.

(for your hubby)

Oh great One said...

Trinity and Leslie- ME TOO!

Fairscape- But I'm drawn there like a moth to a flame! Thanks for the well wishes.

Anonymous said...

Hope you get a green light for you know what..

Anonymous said...

Hopefully it won't be just his creative muscle he needs to start flexing again!!! Go girl!

Kelly said...

Hope you have a good green-linght weekend with your hubby : )

Chick said...

Hope all is OK & you can get some sweet loving soon!

Rainypete said...

It's probably that damned human nature kicking in again. We never want to do anything more than that which we have been told not to do.

Lucy Stern said...

It seems that when you can't have something, that is when you want it the most. Hang in there girl.