Tired of gushy posts? Ok. What else do I have to talk about. Oh, there's my poor baby boy. He's been walking around here all stiff legged since his shots. He doesn't like for his band-aids to show. It's hard to pick him up and hold him because it makes his legs hurt. I'm hoping today he feels a little better. Right after he gets up is the worst, he's so stiff after sleeping.
I got another medical bill yesterday. This one is from my OB/GYN. They charged 900.00 for the D&C, but gave my insurance company a discount of 439.00. It seems like such an unfair deal to me. I know we have discussed this before so I won't say anything more than it really irks me.
They had a parents night at my daughters school on Monday. They sent out a note saying that this was to replace the usual open house. Monday was for the fifth graders only. At the end of the note it says, PARENTS ONLY, NO CHILDREN PLEASE. What in the world? Am I the only one who finds this crazy? It's a school! I wanted to go but I didn't have anyone to watch my kids. (CCB didn't get home in time.) I don't know that I could have left my sore little man anyway. ARG!
It's Wednesday. I hope you make it a good one.
Haven't you reached your deductible on your insurance yet?
Ummm, a school asking for there to be no children??? What the...??? How rude!
Gabby- I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees that Parents only night as silly.
Bekah- I have indeed met my deductible. I still have to pay 20% of the rest of the charges. Though when I took my son and husband to the DR. on Monday we had to pay 301.00 out of our pocket because THEY hadn't met THEIR deductibles.
Trinity-You are SO right!
Bekah- I have indeed met my deductible. I still have to pay 20% of the rest of the charges.
WTF? That's ridiculous!!!!!! After I meet my deductible I only have to pay the co-pay. OMG insurance companies only insure you that they're going to rip you off and steal every penny you have. Bastards!
Bekah- That's the way it was when we had an HMO. His company only offers one choice and we have it. What really sucks is that the doctors office will charge us full price for our visit until you reach the deductible. So I had to pay 301.00 for my son and my husband to be seen on Monday. It's not uncommon for me to be charged WAY more than I'm supposed to pay because of the discount they give the insurance company isn't figured into what they charge me. THEN I have to go back and try to reclaim my refund.
Yuck, medical bills. Free good quality health care is one of the few good things about the UK.
It does seem totally mad and poorly thought through that they give a parents open evening and not allow children.
That doesn't help parents that can't get someone to watch their kids!
I hope your son feels better soon!!
awww, poor little munchkin! I hate shots. And I wish the health care in this country was better. Insurance, doctors, hospitals, uugghh, I hate it all!
What is the deal with the school. I think they need to look at the real reason they are there in the first place.
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