Today has been a busy one! That's why I'm so late in posting today. I got off to my usual start then got side tracked into a little light yard work. I got stung by another ant, this time on my hand. I was being careful too! My legs are covered by mosquito bites. That bug repellant spray doesn't seem to do me much good. Stupid skeeters. Ok I guess they aren't stupid because they are gettin' fed. Stupid OGO.
I had to make an appt. to get both my guys into the doctor today. I discovered my little man was behind on his vaccinations so I got both of their appointments at the same time. It was very convenient. I guess the previous doctor didn't administer all the shots he should have recieved at a year old AND there were some changes in the guidelines as well. He ended up with FIVE shots in his little legs! The doctor and nurse double teamed him and would simultaniously give him a shot in each leg to reduce the pains. It was so sad. My heart just broke for him! Luckily we have a system. CCB helps with the shots and I give him love when the shots are done. It works for us. Now he's done till he's 4.
CCB has had a few symptoms that are worrying me. They gave him an EKG at the doctors office and it was fine so that is a big weight off our shoulders. (There is a history of heart problems on his fathers side of the family.) Now we are waiting for the results of the blood tests. Hopefully it's something minor we can treat and be done with.
I confided in CCB for the first time today that there are times when I just feel like my life is too good.(By my standards.) That I have been a little too fortunate. That any moment something is going to happen to rip it all away. I don't live my life in fear but I get this nagging thought in the back of my head. CCB's health brought it flying to the forefront today. Am I the only one that has this fear? Or is it more common than I know? I appreciate your input.
I completely understand, I have the same feelings. although I don't have it real good, I have it better than a lot. But I think about this all the time. Hey, I'm boring too. so maybe we can talk about our boring lives. I have 3 children but my baby is in 12th grade this year. all my children are leaving me and it's very sad.
no you aren't alone! I feel it sometimes too and I bet a lot more do too
I think too many people worry about that. What I do every day is thank the Lord for my many blessings. We will have our ups and downs but that is all part of life. Quit worring about what could happen and be thankful for all the wonderful things you have in your life. You are blessed.
I hope everything goes well with CCB's tests. It could be nothing but it doesn't hurt to make sure.
Is it silly guilt? Do you feel like if it's too can't be true or that you don't deserve it...'cuz you do.
Worrying because there's nothing to worry about is normal, I do it all the time. Hope all goes well with CCB's tests.
Being concerned about the future is a side effect of being a human being. It is the very fact that we know there is a future, (unlike other animals who only know the present) that makes us human.
Have you ever tried rubbing a dryer sheet on your's supposed to help.
Worrying is a normal part of life, but don't let it over come you and let it be all that you focus on because then you're letting other things slip away without enjoying them. I too worry about "What if something happens to Mark?" and things like that, because I feel so blessed to have him and I just worry that something will take him away from me, but then I try not to think about it because hey, life happens and we're all doing to die eventually, I might as well enjoy all the time I have with him and everyone else while we're all still here.
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