It's Friday. This weekend will be blah. I'll have my girl home all day but CCB has to work tomorrow. I just wish I could win the lottery so he wouldn't have to work. That would be sweet. I can't even guess how many times we've talked about what we'd do if we won. It's changed a little over time but not much.
I've recently found some of my old High School friends on Myspace. I have to agree that it's pretty much a meat market but it was a useful tool for me. The thing that struck me about my search was how many of my old chums are divorced. I don't know why I was surprised, the national average is plenty high. I helped one of my closest friends through a divorce and I saw what it put her through. Now to find out so many of my class have experienced the same thing. It has kinda haunted me this week. I can't seem to stop thinking about it. Why do some relationships work and others not? It makes me so sad to think they have all endured that upheaval and pain. I don't know where I'm going with this. I just hoped that by getting it on here I will get it out of my brain.
I'm going to try a new recipe tonight. I find that if I try new recipes it's more fun to cook and if it's more fun to cook we eat out less. Thus saving more money and we aren't consuming such naughty food! I tried Southwestern Chicken lasagna the other night. Yeah...That didn't go over well. I threw more than half of it out. Neither of the kids liked it and CCB ate it but didn't care for it. That can be so frustrating! I hate getting into a rut and cooking the same things but at least I know how they will be received! Anywho.....Tonight it's Sweet Spiced Salmon. Wish me luck!
Oh! I won my second ebay auction! I got a cute little black dress to go with my new black shoes! Snatched it up for $10.50 at 20 minutes left in the auction!
Have a great Friday and a fabulous weekend!
Working weekends should be banned. Or at least the names Saturday and Sunday should be changed to Monday and Tuesday if you have to work them.
I really don't like food experiments. Mostly because I hate cooking and I hate throwing up even more.
Anyways, have a good day and a good weekend..
A lot of people get married thinking it will always be blissful and wonderful - a lot of people don't realize just how much work goes into a successful marriage. When someone says, "Oh, they have the perfect marriage," it's because the husband and the wife have worked very, very hard on making it perfect. Everyone has struggles and difficulties, but the ones who say, "I made a vow to this person," and realize that marriage is supposed to mean "forever" know that working on the problem is worth it, but so many people decide to just run from the problems, as if that is going to make it any better, or make their next relationship any better.
(I'm not talking about the extreme cases of divorce - like a cheating spouse or an abusive spouse, I'm talking about normal every day problems that we all deal with.)
first of all, why don't u post a photo of that beautiful black dress so that we can all enjoy the sight.
And the divorce thingy...ooh my ooh my, makes me totally want to make my single status permanent...
glad to know YOU are having a nice, working marriage.
Flora, being envious...
no mention of Kaysar being kicked out last night??
Hope dinner is a big hit.
You rabid shopper you!
Try this EZ Chick Cordon Bleu
Boneless skinless breasts
Wrap in swiss cheese then ham
Lay in the pan seam side down
Dump a large can of cream of chicken on top
Mix 1/2 stick butter melted with two cups season croutons and pat on top of chick/soup mixture.
Bake at 350 for one hour.
I bet your weekend will be better than that!
Some people go into a marriage with the attitude that if it doesn't work that they will just get divorce. If you don't go into a marriage 100% committed then why get married. Marriages are like a roller coaster, with may ups and downs. At the marriage ceremony you make a committment to certain things. You need to work thru your problems and work at making your marriage work. TF and I always have a Saturday night date and it may be to go out to dinner or just to the grocery store, but we spend time with each other. Don't worry about what has happened to your friends, just love your husband and children and work hard to make your marriage work. Put your marriage in God's hands.
Isn't it funny how we eat the same things over and over again. It is fun to try new recipes. Good luck with your Salmon.
Salmon, delicious!
Dress: MMMMMMMMMMMM.............
Black shoes, black dress. Just what are your intentions?
I think people get married too quickly, or for the wrong reasons.
Maintaining a successful marriage and family is the hardest job in the world but the most rewarding. The key ingredient is "maturity". When a couple pulls together for the good of all, they will make it. When they pull apart for the sake of self, the will fail. I had to learn this the hard way, but a lesson worth learning. You sound happy AND mature :-)
"Have a great Friday and a fabulous weekend!"
ok, i will! you, too!
I think with marriage there is definately a pull between old school type marriage vs. new type. Now we live in a society where if one spouse doesn't make enough, both have to work to support the family, and household duties can be a bitch to sort out. Plus, I think money and finances are the main reasons people nowadays divorce. I also think a contributing factor is society and the media. Everyday we get thousands of messages in the form of ads and TV shows that suggest that there is always something (or someone) bigger, better, faster, stronger. Women especially are bombarded with shows such as Extreme makeover, and ads for the latest creams and gadgets to mold us all into this insane new version of a woman (you know the kind..boobs that look like 2 halves of a coconut on a skeletal, yet muscular frame), and for men, I guess the women type I described in like say a porno movie. So everyone is walking around with insecurity, and when you're insecure you can do some mean things, for instance in the case of my ex..cheat numerous times. So now, even though its great that there are people who can marry one another and keep realistic expectations about their spouse, and accept them for the humans they are...flaws and all, I have to admit for myself, a wall has been built up. I feel like in my heart, I can never marry, because there has been no one in the past decade or so of dating who has any resonable expectations of me, and I have a serious mistrust of men (or at least letting them get beyond "just friends") that I need to deal with. Plus I seem to pick the wrong dudes to date...so for now, celibacy is the preffered way of life for myself. No insecurities, no suspicions, no bullshit..kinda nice really. Now, all I need is to enter the freakin convent. lol.
Hope the supper turns out..tho I like to check out recipes online and I collect cookbooks. Lately I'd been addicted to shows like "Hell's Kitchen" and "Ramsays Kitchen Nightmares". Gordon Ramsay is like my new God. He has some amazing really tasty dishes. Or if u got cable, u should check out the Food Network...lots of shows on cooking..may at least give you the inspiration to make yourown unique "knock their socks off" type dish. I have a signature dish that isn't pizza (oh ho!) and its poached salmon with cucumber dill sauce..easy to make..lots of recipes for that kind of thing.Basically poach the fish in a mixture of dry white wine, water, bayleaves, peppercorns, and lemon slices for approx 20 min, or until the fish is cooked thru..then make a cucmber dill dressing using sourcream, yogurt ,cucumbers, fresh chopped dill, a little olive oil, and a bit of fresh crused garlic. Take the salmon out of the water (you can throw out the liquid) and top the salmon with the dressing, and serve it with a nice fresh salad or maybe some veggies like asparagus. Very tasty. Try it and tell me how it worked. Cheers!
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