Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Civic duty and centipedes

We had a re-zoning meeting last night. A house on the corner was purchased and they want to use it for their insurance business. We went with children in tow because I like to expose my daughter to these sorts of things. She knows her way around a voting booth and I was hoping to introduce her to this sort of process as well. Unfortunately, having only seen these on t.v. I was not prepared for how quiet it really was, at least the cases before ours. There was no way I could take my son in there without disrupting the whole meeting. I ended up staying outside the doors and entertaining my children. It really sucked too.

Our case came up and it got quite heated. I had to hear it all second hand from my husband who was all sorts of fired up. The woman who stood on our porch asking for our signatures so sweet and demure came to the meeting loaded for bear. CCB said that she was pulling no punches. On one hand I feel for her because she purchased the home before she knew whether or not it would be rezoned. IF it doesn't pass she's got an overpriced house that she can't work out of. There is a lot on the line for her. Our concern is the precedent it sets for the 3 lots of undeveloped land around her. They just rezoned some property on one side of our neighborhood now they want to do the same on the other side. I don't want to get squeezed out now that I've found a home I adore.

Sooooo anyway....When my son got too noisy to be in the hall next to the meeting we went outside. My daughter got to see her first Fire flies. We also discovered some nasty looking centipedey thing. I didn't count how many legs each segment had so I don't know if it was a millipede or centipede all I know is it heebed me out. We no longer stood under the tree, where we discovered them all.

So there you go. My evening in a nutshell. I chose not to share the dream I mentioned yesterday because it was naughty. FUNNY, but naughty. Sorry.


Trinity13 said...

My son saw his first fireflys this summer...he was a little freaked by seeing their butts light up, but was eventually okay with catching one. :-)

Btw, I love naughty dreams baby!!! Heehee!

Lucy Stern said...

Those neighborhood meetings can get nasty. We live about 10 miles from the airport and when a certain runway is open, the planes fly over our neighborhood. They can be noisy if the windows are open, but other wise they don't bother me. Some of our neighbors are complaining that the can sit around there pool and have a discussion when the planes are flying over. How petty can you get? I can see the neighborhood right next to the airport being upset but our neighborhood isn't that close. One of the men was worried about his property values. TF attended that meeting and they thought he was a spy for the airport systerm. If it wasn't so stupid it would have been funny.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen a firefly, or a centipede for that matter.

Naughty dreams are fun, do tell!

Chick said...

Did you dream about naughty centipedes again?