Your wait is over! I'm sorry if the suspense kept you up all night. I didn't mean to disrupt your life with my quest to find something to post. WHAT?! You know I'm teasing.
Here we go:
1. This one is tricky. I enjoy falling asleep naked, all snuggled with my CCB. However, I can't sleep all night because of this fear I have. I'm afraid that there will be a fire or maybe a burglar will break in. There I'll be all naked and stuff. Running outside with my children as my house burns! The neighbors all pointing and whispering. Or fighting a burglar for my prized velvet Elvis painting naked as a jaybird! Eek! That's not an image you want to think about to long! The question was worded "sleep naked" so the answer would have to be hate.
2. Yes, I was bitten by a miniature horse. We took my daughter to the state fair,and went into the petting barn. Now this was a petting barn a place for children to get to touch and pet animals. A real up close and personal experience right? Well we came to the stall with the miniature horses and who could help but want to touch them? Certainly not me! I reached in and stroked ones head and when it left the other one approached. I stretched out my hand and it bit my wrist! Completely embarrassed I pulled my hand back and walked away like nothing happened. I kinda hurried my family out the back and told CCB what happened. When we stopped laughing at my stupidity he took a look at my arm. It was swelling up and red. It was a PETTING ZOO for heavens sake!
3. My husband puts the seat down! I know it sounds crazy! It came out of necessity. When my cat was younger he used to use the toilet as a step to get to the bathroom sink. He would just run in and blindly jump to get up there with me. (Shane)After chasing down a wet cat several times we instituted the lid down rule. I know I am a lucky girl!
4. Grasshoppers creep me out. I know they won't hurt me but the little buggers are so darn unpredictable! You never know which way they are gonna jump. They will jump and just fly straight into you! *shiver* I hate that. When I lived in Colorado we had lots of grasshoppers and it was like a little mine field walking across the yard. I never knew when I'd get "hit".
5. This one was hard for me. I can't believe I actually posted this one. I do have 2 webbed toes on each foot. It's the middle one and the one next to the big toe and it goes to the second nuckle. I have been terribly embarrassed of this for as long as I can remember. I've thought that I was some sort of circus freak for years! I don't wear open toed shoes or let strangers see me barefooted. I'm sure they wouldn't notice, but I knew, you know? (I told you I had foot issues.) As I get older I'm trying to accept myself more, just as I am. So this was a big deal for me to post this. This has been my little secret for 34 years! Thank you Edge for sharing with me! It makes me feel better to know I'm not alone!
Horseys are bad! : )
I think I got 80% on the test which is the highest I've ever scored..Woohoo..
I love to be naked and be in bed naked, but I can't sleep naked because of the EXACT SAME REASON. I thought I was the only one who was so paranoid about a house fire starting and me running into the street naked (animals in tow) and everyone seeing! Glad to know I'm not alone.
If I ran out naked the neighbors would point, too. Then the ladies would be leaving me love letters and naked pictures on my truck! i don't think I could burn those images from my brain forever! *shiver*
my mom and brother both have webbed toes. Thier 2nd and 3rd are webbed together. When my daughter was born it was "10 fingers, 10 toes." "Are they webbed?" "nope." Thank God she's not a circus freak. ha! kidding about that last part.
Did I get all of them right? I feel like I got them all right, but I'm too lazy to go back and check.
Check for me you webbed footed weirdo. ;)
Sleeping nekkid saves on laundry.
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