Friday, October 06, 2006

Oobi Doobi doo...

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My son likes to watch the childrens show Oobi. Oobi and all the characters are hands, plain hands, with eyeballs. After watching we started pretending we had "Oobi's". Sometimes Oobi could get my son to do things willingly that I could not. If Oobi said it was time to pick up toys my son would gladly oblige. That is nice to know I tell ya.

I decided to make our own "Oobi eyes". It has been so much fun! I'm afraid my son's hands will cramp up because he walks around with them in "Oobi formation" all day! I made enough for everyone in our house to have a pair as well as a few extra's I tried out with a smaller eye.

They are great fun and look quite similar to the real thing.

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Anonymous said...

They look good. How did you make them. Or by making them do you mean you stole them from a glass eye factory..

CCCCppppCCppp said...

Noggin is on at our house from 6am til 6pm when it goes off the air. Sonnyboy loves Oobie. And Little Bear. And Miffy. And Franklin. And Wonderpets. And Miss Spiders Sunny Patch. And Max and Ruby. Then we switch to Kids13 which is our local PBS for Dragontales, and Clifford and Arthur and Bob the Builder. Unless of course there is a Mets or Yankees game on. I love to see him laugh while he watches this stuff. It makes it all worthwhile.

The Funky Bee said...

which are the one's that you made? that is so cute! What a great, simple idea. Your son is gonna have carpel (sp?) tunnel by age 4. Ha!

Lorna said...

those look like fun; we used to have adhesive tape that we put on our fingers to play "Two little dickie-birds..."; who has more fun, I wonder, the adults or the kids?

Chick said...

I'd clean up if Oobi asked me stinking cute.

Lucy Stern said...

My grandson loves Oobi! He likes Grampoo and the gang. He knows what channel Noggin is on and he can turn it on all by himself. He learned to count and he learned his numbers on Noggin. He also knows how to bring it up on the computer.

Right now he is on a Mario fixation. He has the Mario brothers games at home and he just loves Mario.

In my day it was captain kangaroo. When my kids were little they watched Mr. Rogers neighborhood and Bert and Earnie.

CaCaBoy said...

If Oobi has this power over people........

...Honey I need you to take something off............

CaCaBoy said...

....oops! I meant "Oobi" needs you to take something off!!!!

Damn it, my ruse is foiled!

Kelly said...

What a creative idea

OobiDad said...

I think Oobi is so neat! I wish Noggin was around when I was a kid! The show has taught my kids how to speak using "simple talk". I just love it... I also found a great web site where I can get my own GENUINE Oobi, Uma, Kako and Grampu eyes, here it is:

Oobi... you... friends...