Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Can anyone explain to me why my cats choose to ignore all the brick and tile flooring and only barf on my carpet? Sheesh!


Anonymous said...

I think it's because cats don't really like humans but I have no scientific evidence to back up this theory. Only personal observations..

Anonymous said...

The cat works out by thought radar things that humans want to keep nice or are near-irreplacable, eg carpets, expensive ornaments, title deeds to property. Projectile barfing is the first lesson a kitten learns from its mother and the cat will target whatever will cause the 'owner' (cats keep humans as pets) maximum annoyance. The cat will then act as though butter won't melt in its mouth, making you feel guilty for being cross at it.

That's my theory anyway after 8 years of being owned by my furry faced demon!

CaCaBoy said...

Because you don't like it. Cats will ALWAYS do what you hate the most. It's called a power play! Little F'ers!

Anonymous said...

I think the carpet feels nicer on their paws. When they're barfing, they want to be comfortable. lol. It's not just cats - all three of my dogs do it, too. In fact, Princess tends to puke ON THE BED instead of on the floor!

begins with v said...

so they can wipe afterwards.

Kelly said...

:( I'm sorry to hear that you kitties are barfing on your carpet. Yuck : (

Kelly said...

Oh, and as for the Jazzercise guy. He didn't seem to enjoy the hip-hop music we were working out too. At least his choise of words seem to lead me to believe this was the reasoning behind his outburst.

Lorna said...

my cat is too refined to barf, but when she isn't near a carpet, she calls on her prodigious projectile vomiting skills to get the result felines seem hardwired for.

Rainypete said...

It's because cat's are biologically engineered to be the most inconvenient animals on the planet! Evolution and the chemicals in cat food have seen to it.

techymike said...

Ours do the same thing. I think it's because they hate us for having dogs in the house as well. That, and cats are just evil.

The Funky Bee said...

because cats are evil and gross...HA HA, just kidding. That's called Murphy's Law my dearest. When I puke I do it on the rugs too. Just because...