We took our visitors to New Orleans and spent most of the day in the French Quarter. We happened upon these guys doing some amazing acrobatics. In this picture, the fella on the bottom is just starting to raise his left hand off the ground. They were all balanced on his legs!
Side note:It was as cold as a well diggers fanny out there today and a couple were running around in shorts and no shirts! What studs!

Loved the New Orleans pictures; sobbed with the Sick Puppies....
Are you expected to pay street performers if you watch them or can you just watch and leave..
I love watching those guys. Did they spin someone around on their heads this time?
Oh and this - "cold as a well diggers fanny" - I've never heard before. LOL!
Too late, I tried it yesterday.
It was suprisingly easy. ;)
In the UK fanny means vagina. I'm not going to begin to describe the image that went through my mind!
Lorna- Glad I'm no alone with the Hugs thing.
H&B2-I wanted to sneak out but they held off on the big finish until they had collected the money. They are talented and smart!
Bekah- I didn't see any head spins but they did some amazing jumps OVER people.
Steven-Then you too are a stud my friend!
Ann- Your comment made me laugh! I guess that would conjur up some strange imagery huh?!
I love New Orleans. I shall take your advice and only try this in exotic locations, and not at home.
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