Friday, November 03, 2006


We had a recent health scare with my dad the other day. He is ok. It turned out to be more of a nuisance than life threatening. However initially we thought he had had a stroke. Now, I have dealt with health issues with my husbands parents, the most recent being colon cancer. And I have been able to be strong and optimistic for my hubby and his parents when these things were happening. I love them to pieces but it was a different story when it was MY parent in trouble. Fear seized my heart.

Later we found out that it was Bells Palsy and not a stroke. Those words made me cry from relief. I've known for a while now that my parents, while not OLD, are getting to the point when things can start happening to their health. This incident kind of snapped it into reality for me.

What really makes me crazy is that we live quite a ways from all of my parents. I can hear all the reports over the phone every step of the way but it doesn't do as much for me as to "SEE" with my own eyes that my loved one is doing ok. It's kinda hard to do that from 9-18 hours away.

I'm glad it was a false alarm.


Anonymous said...

Glad he is ok.
Darn parents anyways. One minute they're grounding you for some silly thing and the next minute they're older and scaring you when they get sick..

Oh great One said...

H&B2- Thank you. It's easy to forget that while you are getting older so are they.

Oh great One said...

vugarcowboy-Me too!

Anonymous said...

My mum and I are very close, even though she lives over 5 hours away. When she was ill I just HAD to see her despite the cardiologist telling me she was doing ok.

A *very big hug* and thanks for your support for me at this horrible time, it really means a lot! xx

Oh great One said...

Ann-You know what I mean about "seeing" them! YAY! I'm not alone. As for the support...I'm here for you just like you were for me. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

two of the sadder things in life, if not the saddest, sick kids, sick parents. Glad it wasn't as serious as it could have been

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your father is doing alright. I'm so close to both my parents, I can't imagine how scared I've have been. Will you guys be able to take a trip to see them sometime soon? Christmas or Thanksgiving?

CaCaBoy said...

Love you.

Jay said...

I'm glad too - may his good health continue. I know that the drives made after emergencies are no fun at all.

Lorna said...

I'm glad that things worked out the way they did for you and your dad.

Chick said...

Glad it was a false alarm too.

Can't imagine being so far away from mine (although at times it might be nice).

Anonymous said...

Wow. Glad he's okay.


The Funky Bee said...

I'm really, really glad it was a false alarm. I don't know what I'll do when/if things happen to my parents. I dread the day when something happens. I am paralyzingly scared that something could happen to them when we all know that our parents will one day go to heaven and we'll have to get through it and live with that reality. Ugghh, making myself sad, sorry. Glad to hear the good news and that this was nothing!

Lucy Stern said...

I've lost both of my parents now. My mom died 24 years ago and dad died 6 1/2 years ago. My died sudddenly from a heart attack and dad lingered along with his ailaments. It is hard either way. It is hard when it is your own parents. My heart goes out to you. I'm glad it wasn't too serious.