1. There were very few people who gave out candy. We had to walk for blocks and blocks to get half a bucket. Granted it's WAY more than my kids need or will eat before it's time to throw it away but still. When I was a kid the "dark" houses were in the minority, everyone gave out the goodies.
2. If you aren't giving out candy then don't leave your porch light on. We went to several houses and knocked and knocked and no one answered. Just plain rude. In addition to this you shouldn't put up a gazillion Halloween decorations weeks before the big night, making your house look like a trick or treating Mecca if you aren't going to give out treats. What a let down.
3. We found a house who gave out full size candy bars! I didn't think anyone did that anymore! I made sure the kids said an extra thank you for that!
4. I have to give props to the few people who did give out candy because they loaded my kids up with the stuff.
5. I wish I would have sprayed myself with OFF! Before we left. I've got extra mosquito bites now. I'm used to trick or treating in freezing cold temperatures not in warm comfy ones.
6. After many tears we convinced my son to wear his Spiderman costume. As soon as we walked outside he was all better. I don't know what the melt down was about but it subsided as we walked to the first house.
7. How many people have designated trick or treat times in their towns? For the first time ever we live in a place that sets specific times for trick or treating. We had from 6-8 to get the job done. Sadly, because of the time limit we only had a little time to hand out candy when we got home. Hey! Maybe that's why there weren't many houses with lights on........Yeah. I don't think so either.

Darth Vader


Louisiana seems to really enjoy the designated trick or treating times. We had our lights on and the pumpkin out and candy ready and only seven kids came to our door. I don't know where everyone else was. Certainly not at home giving out candy - only one other house on our street had their porch light on.
Bekah-We used to trick or treat until the porch lights went off. If they were still lit we were still knockin'. I've never heard of a set time before!
Look at that guy! He is so ripped! You know they say he looks just like me.........
Look at Darlene Vader! I love that she gives a crap about gender specific characters and just wear what the hell she likes! She rocks!
Ummm, your son is ADORABLE! I'm sure your daughter is too but we can't really see her. TOO CUTE! Glad you/they had a great Halloween. We never had trick or treat time frames and I was glad about it. It was also unseasonably warm here on Halloween. I kind of like it although it just reconfirms global warming for me. It used to be down right chilly when we were kids!
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