So after a lot of number crunching, soul searching and tears we have decided that it would be best for us to sell our home and move closer to my husbands new job. It's true that he hasn't even officially started yet but we really feel it's the best option for us.
The drive would be way too much for us to ask him to do. It would add at LEAST 3 hours to his work day. What good is a fabulous 40 hour work week when you add another 15 hours of driving to it? Besides that, he's taking a significant cut in pay. I can't justify killing ourselves to make a house payment. It's not beneficial to the family if we are stressed out and tired all the time. We talked to an agent who thinks she'll have no trouble selling it. She has already mentioned it on her facebook page and had inquiries. (I'll tell you more about our agent later.)
On the bright side, we are trying really hard to be positive through all this. It HAS been tough. Really tough. Guess what though, if all this works out we could be completely debt free at the end. A fresh start with a new company and a new home. That's a bright spot isn't it? We have had people step forward and support us that we never expected. Relationships with parents are being restored. CCB and I are closer than ever. We are relying on our faith like never before. I can't wait to see how this all plays out.
Wow, I can't believe I missed three posts.....I really hope selling your house is the answer to all of this...Maybe you could rent in the new location before you buy, to make sure CCB stays at that location.... BUT, it is a job! Who knows, his consulting could come through and make up the difference in pay.... I'm praying for you.
Is it totally wrong of me to be WAY WAY EXCITED that you and I will share a city?! WOO.
I mean yes, I understand the toughness. Or at least I do a little.
And moving sucks. Moving the kid's mid-school-year sucks.
But on a selfish note: YAY!
God knows what He's doing, even if we don't:) Will be sending many words for you!
never one to say I told you so, I'll just say I'm so happy for you.
I know it's so cliche but I truly believe that through hard times good always prevails. It's funny how much strength we realize that we have once we're put to the test. I'm really happy for you guys and I knew that things would end up just fine in the end. You have so many things to be thankful for and the job/home thing is just going to fall into place soon too. And hey, there is NEVER anything wrong with being debt free. What a great feeling. Congrats OGO and CCB!!!
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