I've been terrible about keeping up on my blog lately. It just hasn't been a priority.
CCB is working at the new job. He LOVES it. He has never been with a company that takes such good care of their employees. He is still in the training period but he's got a friend who's been there longer confirming all his feelings. His work days seem terribly short to him after working at that crappy place that doesn't even deserve me to utter their name. Unfortunately the drive is adding quite a bit of time to his day. We just keep telling ourselves that it is temporary. So far his boss has been working with him so he's been able to travel at off peak times. It's been helpful.
Have a situation brewing with the neighbor. She has a daughter the same age as my son. They haven't payed us much attention till recently. When she came knocking at the door asking if her daughter could play with my son. I said sure. What was I thinking?! She left her at my house for what was supposed to be an hour. She came back an hour and a half later. I was frazzled! This child is bossy, sneaky and not very nice at times. She is a good 20 lbs heavier than my son and so when I saw her sitting on him holding him down I was none to thrilled. Well this whole "play date" thing has become quite a regular occurrence. I'm none to pleased. I DID find that if I refuse to let her wear the super hero costumes we have more civil play time. Unfortunately I can only control that when they play here. After he's played with this girl he has such an attitude for the rest of the night. I don't like it at all. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do about it. I don't want to insult this mother by telling her that her kid is a snot but I can't continue to watch my boy be bullied by her either. I live in fear of her knocking on my door at 3:30! I keep telling myself that we are moving soon and I won't have to deal with her for much longer. .....Hopefully.
The car seems to be running well which is a relief. I just hate that my guy has to drive so far each day. It will be nice when we are all in close proximity to his work. I've been scouting out homes for rent in the Lafayette area and I think we could get a comfortable rent price. Lower than my current house payment. That would be nice. I can't believe that some of the apts. we've looked at want 1190 and UP a month! It's crazy man. Meanwhile on our homefront no more lookers on the house. I'm not getting discouraged, I realize that it's still early yet.
Anyway. We are good, a little tired, but good! Let me know if you have any good ideas about how to deal with our "play dates". :)
In general, I don't like other people's kids. My kids are angels and other kids are brats.
Well, you might just tell the little girl that there are certain rules that you follow at your house and if she wants to play that she will have to follow those rules...When she breaks a rule, send her home....The next time she comes over, she might think twice about breaking that rule. You need to follow through or she will run you into the ground. Good luck and let's just pray that your house sells fast....
Glad that CCB LOVES his job, it helps the attitude greatly... Keep that car going.....Later.
I'm generally with Tim; however, when we ran into trouble with the kids' friends, I would always invite them to dinner. That cured their longing for our place.
Just stop the play date thing all together for about a week or two. Make that homework time, or study time, or movie time. Or something. If you take a break from it for a week or so your kid will not want it as much, and the girl's mom might stop asking regularly (if she picks up on the hint that you're not available at the time).
There's a girl who Sam loves to play with but when she is finished spending a couple of hours with her, Sam is wild and crazy and very un-Sam and more that other girl. Why can't the good, well-behaved kids be a good example to the wild, mean ones? Why does have to go the other way?! It's not fair!
(Oh I just read Lucy Stern's comment and I like the idea of telling her to go home if she breaks the house rules. Good!)
I'm with Lucy too on her advice. You might have to set some rules for the child's mother as well because she sounds a bit pushy.
If you want to stop the play dates without ruffling feathers, tell her - in the spirit of fairness between your children, you've had to make play dates 'weekend only', and only if both have a friend over at the same time.
Sit on the bossy kid...then deny it when she inevitable squeals on you to her mother...what? You're moving, right? It may seem harsh but it's just a suggestion : )
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