Thursday, May 07, 2009


It's been a bit of an up and down sorta week. Found out that someone who works for my husbands company in BATON ROUGE has put in their notice. Kinda got me excited because if they were to transfer CCB to that store then we wouldn't have to sell our house and move. On the other hand he really likes working in Lafayette. If we sold the house we could pay off nearly all our debt and have a fresh start. I don't know which I prefer right now. I hate indecision.

My son is nearly done with preschool. He was begging me not to make him go today. He's afraid of his hat falling off during his graduation practice. It sounds like the teachers have struck fear in his little heart! I paid the last tuition payment this week. That makes me happy. A little more money toward the bottom line.

We are making great strides in paying off our old debt. We've paid off nearly half of it since my husbands stint with unemployment. We are changing the way we deal with money. Things can change in an instant. The peace of mind alone make it all worth it. We cut off cable yesterday. We are now just using the digital converter boxes. It's saving us 62.00 a month. You know what's even better than saving the money? My kids don't spend so much time watching t.v. They had seen every episode of Sponge Bob and every other nickelodeon show they have. We are spending more time together as well. I'm loving it!

The coffee is kicking in and I have got to get a shower taken while I still have the peace and quiet.


Lorna said...

Oh wise one! I am in awe of your attitude.

Granny Annie said...

You are doing so great. You really show a lot of discipline. I'm betting you're right about a teacher putting fear in you son about graduation.

Jay said...

Well that sounds like a win win to me!

Lucy Stern said...

I just keep thinking about how they treated CCB at the last job.... If he went back to work for them, what is to stop them from treating him that way again? He seems to like his new job, maybe the Lord sent it to him for a reason.... Just a thought.

Glad to hear that you are getting yourself out of debt... It is such a good feeling to know that you don't owe anybody anything....

Keep up the good work.

Oh great One said...

Sorry for the confusion Lucy. The job would be for his NEW company only in Baton Rouge.