So today we had the house shown to two different perspective buyers. My agent said both showings went well and one of them was interested in talking numbers. Exciting right? My agent also told me that since she was representing both us and the buyers we could get a reduction in the commission. Exciting right?!
So why am I an emotional mess? I'm all weepy and stuff. It sounds like what I hoped for. A family. People who fell in love with it like we did. But I'm crying.
I wanted to raise my children here. I didn't....don't want to move. I am a girl who likes to be settled. I feel very unsettled. It will be a good thing. We'll pay off more debt. We'll be ready to roll if and when my husband gets moved up. My husband will gain more free time to be with us. Less time commuting will be a relief to me. I won't be responsible for a house during a hurricane.. I just....I don't know. It all makes me cry.
As much as you love to remodel and decorate and as talented as you are, just look at this move as offering you a clean slate for all your skill and ability. Everything will turn out well as it continues to do for you despite your worries:)
I know what you need to feel "settled" holds me back sometimes & makes me weepy too.
1. Crying is not a bad thing.
2. I think you're a nester and you'll make a lovely home wherever you are
3. Those plusses all seem attractive.
That kind of change is not always easy...I hope everything works out and you get to where CCB doesn't have to do all that driving...Still keeping my fingers crossed.
Here you go:
Oh Ifeel for you. I'm so attached to my house and area that I would absolutely hate to move. I like being settled too and it givesm e security.
Oh my, I'm so sorry OGO! I am the same way. I don't do well with change and I am also a cryer so I feel your pain.
One bit of advice I can give you, and I know it's so cliche, but things always seem to work out for the best! What if you move and your kids end up in a great school or you end up living next to a family that ends up being your best friends. What if your next move is to a town that brings great opportunity for your family, not just in the realm of your husbands job. What if they have a great swim team that your daughter ends up joining and she becomes our next MIchael Phelps? I know, super lame, but I know you'll be fine. If it makes you feel any better I've been crying sporadically for the last 7 days!!!
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