Saturday, August 01, 2009

Something other than house talk.

We had a lovely day yesterday. First we had to go to my daughters new school for orientation. It looks like the school will be easy to navigate. My daughter will have a locker for the first time ever, two as a matter of fact. We followed that up with grocery shopping. Lovely? No. However it was the first time in recent memory that my son did not nag us the entire time with "is it time to go home yet?" That can really get on your nerves when you have to stock up on food. It ended being very pleasant.

The best part? After the groceries were put away we went to the pool. We had the whole thing to ourselves! We played Marco polo and red light green light. The giggles were infectious. It may sound odd, but those two hours we spent at the pool completely made the fact that our morning was filled with obligations melt away. It felt like we had a day of nothing but fun. Weird, wonderful stuff.

1 comment:

Lorna said...

It sounds wonderful. I hope this is all going to work out for you.