Life is good!
The house has sold. The weight is gone. I loved that home. I still have pangs imagining the new owners painting over my sons hand prints.....Changing things about it that I loved. Getting to have the neighbors I miss so much. The freedom makes these "pangs" short lived. We are free.
My daughter got straight A's for the first 6 week period. She's doing well in her new school. My son isn't complaining at all about going to kindergarten. It's not at all like it was trying to get him to preschool. He is doing great and enjoying it.
I'm thankful to all of you who have stuck with me through all my whining, crying and complaining. It's been a tough year for us, but being able to vent on here has been comforting. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Yay...I'm so glad for deserve it.
Is that what you call venting?
It's never easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel until you're outside looking in. I'm so glad that you guys are through the tunnel, as it were, and that the house is sold, no matter how bitter sweet it is! And Congrats on your kids doing so well in school!! That is great. Hang in there OGO, things will just keep getting better!
Never worry about venting, you've heard enough of mine lately! So glad everything turned out right in the end.
Please tell me that you're not giving up blogging for Facebook.
I enjoy reading you on Facebook too, but blogging is where the emotions come in. And where you could post a picture of the new haircut.
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