Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ready Set GO

I went in for the pre-op appt. and to pre-admit for the hospital yesterday. It took over 2 hours! CCB left work to be there with me and it seemed like it would never end! I saw a nurse, a doctor, the nurse again, the hospital admittance lady, another nurse and finally an insurance worker. Talk about a flood of paperwork.

I am to be at the hospital at 10:30 on Friday morning. They will get me prepped I guess. It seems like an awful long time but I'm sure they will fill it all up. My surgery is at 12:30. She said they'd monitor me for a little while to make sure the anesthesia is wearing off ok then they will put me back in my room. There they will wait for me to be able to hold liquids down and to be able to pee. Don't be jealous I know that I'm a party animal. It's just who I am.

The first nurse seemed to be put out by the fact my children were there. Believe me I wouldn't have taken them if I didn't HAVE to. The will not be there on Friday. It's not easy to find a place to leave your kids when you don't know many people. My neighbor, my WONDERFUL neighbor is keeping them for me on Friday. I don't know if she realizes how much this means to me. It has really taken a load off my mind. I'll have to figure out something nice to do for her.

I see an end to the physical side of all this finally. My nausea should go away. The night time trips to the bathroom should subside. Then maybe I can get some sleep. Sleep alone would probably do wonders for my outlook. Several people have told me that they can't wait for the old OGO to return. It's been so long since I've been her I'm not sure I remember what she's like. I'm hoping this is a step in the right direction.

I know as long as I have CCB next to me, holding my hand, I can do anything. WE can do anything. We'll get through this together just like we always have. I am an incredibly lucky woman to have found him.

Thank you all for your continued support. It's amazing what the words of people I've never met have done for me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Trinity13 said...

Oh what a fantastic sweet of her to watch your children!

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful that your neighbor is watching your kids for you. Good luck tomorrow, you'll be in my thoughts & prayers.

Kelly said...

I'm glad that your neighbor is going to be able to help you out by watching the kids. I am everything goes smoothly tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts will be on you tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Hope it all goes smoothly. I'm sure it will..
If you want to do something nice for your neighbor for watching your kids then just pick them up as soon as possible, tee,hee..

Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Good luck!

Rainypete said...

There's nothing better than a good neighbor. I shan't wish you good lcuk as you hope taht with trained medical folk, luck shouldn't be necessary. All will go well tomorrow and you can get your mind off of what's lost and focus on what you have. Your family is your strength, use them to the fullest.

The Funky Bee said...

good luck OGO. Sounds like you've found a great neighbor. Good people attract the same! I'll be thinking about you...