Well, my husbands meeting went well yesterday. He acknowledged CCBs issues and said he was the first guy in there to see the big picture. Did he give him any hours or offer to send anyone to help? No. So it's up to my hubby to get it done with who and what he has. I don't know what I expected. It's pretty typical really.
My daughter did just fine yesterday. I knew she would but I just wanted to be there to ease her anxiety. She's not all that outgoing so having to deal with people she doesn't know is a little stressful for her. I know it was probably good for her. Even though it was hard on me. My husband made a joke about it saying,"You know how many times I rode the bus alone on the first day of school? I came out just fine. Even though I have abandonment issues and no friends...." I know he was kidding but it brought me to tears! I felt like a horrible mother. Enough of that! It's over and done....
I've about had it with my cat. He keeps peeing in the hall in front of my closet. I've complained about this before. So last night I'm in the bathroom and I hear him scratching at the carpet. I run around the corner to see him tear out of the room. Sure enough there is a wet spot on the trim and carpet. I chased him down caught him and rubbed his nose in it. (I knew that it wouldn't do a darn bit of good. Cats don't respond to that sort of punishment but I was at my wits end!) After that I closed the door to my room. He is no longer allowed to hang out in there. I knew this would be a problem at bedtime because he either likes to sleep with me or in front of CCB's dresser. He cried at the door for a while then left us alone. This morning I woke up to find cat yack on the sofa and a big ole puddle of pee right in FRONT of the CLEAN litterbox! I guess he showed me huh? I don't know what to do with him. I love him dearly but I finally have a home that I truly adore and he's trashing it. He's old and that could be part of it but it doesn't make me feel any better. Any ideas on how to correct this would be appreciated.
Sounds like you need some of that special cat spray that you use on urine spots. You could get another litter box and put it on that fav hallway spot as well.
Glad your husband and daughter made it through their days without incident.
As for the cat, have you given any thought to blanketing the house in cat litter. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best, ha,ha..
Glad your daughter had a good first day. I think what CCB said about it was funny.
And, I have absolutely no experience with cats. If you were having the problem with a dog, I could list a handful of things that would help break the habit, but cats? I dunno. They're freaky little creatures that pretty much do what they want when they want. Good luck.
Glad everything went well with your husbands visit from the higher ups. I just knew your daughter would be fine.
As for the cat. If it were me she would become an outdoor cat. We have a cat that is 15 years old and she won't use the litter box. We got tired of her peeing on the carpet too and told her that she would be sleeping outside from now own. When it gets down in the thirties we let her in for the night but she sleeps in the laundry room. It never fails that I find a puddle and a pile the next morning. It is easier to clean up on the tile. Good luck!
"...and sometimes when i am all alone, I cry. But I'm sure my Mom loved me, even though she never took me to school. Right? She did love me, huh?...."
As a cat owner as well, one with puking issues, I know what it's like. However, there is a really great cleaner out there called Folex that you can get at Walmart/Target/Kmart/etc. It's in a white spray bottle and it works wonders on all sorts of stains, not just of the pet variety.
I love this stuff. It works great!
Well, first see a vet about the cat..if it is a medical prob then there are options. But if its cause the cats just being a dick, get a spray bottle and fill it with water..everytime you see the cat doing something questionable like getting ready to spray..spray the cats face..be consistent, and then the cat won't do it anymore. Or just make it an outdoor cat..mucheasier than cleaning up cat piss and cat yack.
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