Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tuesday? Already?

First things first. I haven't ended the story from Friday yet. If you would like to add to it feel free. The more the merrier! Thank you to all of you that have already!

I am no longer an Ebay auction virgin. I won my first item on Saturday. I cute strappy pair of heels. RAR! I like flats my hubby likes heels so I thought I'd give them a try.

I've got the walls and trim in the kids bathroom primed. They had put up some sort of wood stuff on the walls. It looks like wood siding to me. I like the texture so we'll see how it turns out. I hope I like it because this is a lot of work to do just to rip it out! I'll post pictures when I'm done.

Anyone watching Big Brother All Stars? What is season Kaysar doing? He's been my favorite all time player and yet he's being so timid! Is that strategy? Time will tell how it works for him.

Have a great Tuesday bloggers!


Trinity13 said...

Congrats on winning the auction!!! I love shopping ebay and that's where I usually go for concert tickets.

Kelly said...

Hope your room turns out okay. Stay cool!

CaCaBoy said...

Last year Kaysar was seen as the "genius" behind his group, and he paid for it. This year he's letting James & Jannelle screw themselves, and not him. Good strategy? We'll see.

Mad Housewife said...

I watch the BB All-Stars. I hope Diana gets eliminated on Thursday.

Granny Annie said...

It is important for your first eBay transaction to go well. Hope you got a good seller and hope you are rewarded for making such a gutsy first purchase. I wouldn't even dream of buying shoes on eBay!

Rainypete said...

I'll ask my wife....she watches BB. Careful on the ebay thing. I've gone from spending 10-20 dollars to hundreds!!

Tim said...

Dr. Will is absolutely amazing. How he controls the game is absurd. They all do whatever he wants.