Wednesday, October 04, 2006


My little man was sick as could be this morning. He woke up crying. He hasn't done that in ages. He spent the morning barfing and couldn't keep anything down. Around 11 am he started chatting with me about the episode of Blues Clues we were watching. About 11:15 he popped up from his blanket and started running around being his happy normal self! Just like that!

CCB was barfing last night so I can only assume it's some sort of bug. I hope my daughter doesn't get it too. *sigh*

I hope YOU are well.


Jay said...

Wow, that kid sure knows how to get a virus out of his system. What's his trick? Or is it just your brand of TLC?

The Funky Bee said...

Gosh I hope everyone feels better and i hope this isn't going around here and I hope it's not transmittable through the computer ;O)

Tim said...

sounds to me like he was faking it. Did you check the barf to see if it was real?

Lucy Stern said...

Sounds like a stomach visus. It does have a habit of making the rounds. Keep your fingers crossed that you and your daughter doen't get it.

Aunt Jackie said...

Wow, well I do hope that everyone feels much better! Viruses are no fun.

Kelly said...

Awe poor guy! Did he eat my bad curry too?

begins with v said...

AND I hope you don't get it!!! When mommy is sick, no one is happy!