Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I guess the post I put up this morning was "pointless" so I won't bore you.

Have a happy Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

Why? Was it about a blunt pencil? :)

Oh great One said...

You are so clever ANN!

begins with v said...

hope things are well!!! You never bore me!

Oh great One said...

Slade-Never better! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Waa! Don't be so stinkin' sensitive, man. We rib each other. That's what we do. You shouldn't get so bent out of shape over a silly comment. I was just playing with you ---> didn't you see the ";)"? C'mon, sis ... you're tougher than that.

The Funky Bee said...

mine must have been too...just kidding. I seriously have nothing to talk about or post these days so I just don't....I'm boring i guess

Oh great One said...

Shane- Who's being sensitive? You pointed something out that I wasn't aware of so I fixed it! Has nothing to do with how tough I am.

Funky-I used to post everyday and I feel weird if I don't. I think you've got the right idea.

CaCaBoy said...

I love you! Post so I can post this comment everyday!

Anonymous said...

You aren't boring. I like your posts..

Jay said...

Nothing can be pointless if 10 people have no felt the urge the comment on its nothingness...um, right?

Lorna said...

where it says "show original post", I wish we could...