Thursday, November 09, 2006


I was outside playing with my son, Yoda. That's what he's calling himself these days. Well that and Mickey Mouse. I decided to water the hanging baskets on my porch. (It can rain cats and dogs but these things never get wet because of the overhang on the porch.) It still floors me that I have azalea bushes blooming and strange new things growing in my garden in NOVEMBER but I digress...

I unrolled 7 loops of hose, that's how many it takes to reach the farthest basket. I was pulling the hose to go around the corner of the planter box and what do you think I found?


Blech! Posted by Picasa

What in the?!!?!? I have no freaking idea what kind of bug that is. I know that that back leg makes it walk like a grasshopper and that it can fly, much to my dismay. I have got to tell you Louisiana is like a freakin "LOST WORLD" There are so many bugs I have never seen before here and they are all HUGE! This thing was over an inch long! *shiver* I imagine watching me roll the hose back up was probably amusing. I didn't want to squish it because then I'd have that things guts on my hose but I didn't want to make it spaz out and fly at me or something. My son wasn't happy unless I had my arm around him. He was afraid that thing was gonna come for him. I had a little bit of that fear myself! One good thing about this discovery....It was outside not inside!


Tim said...

looks like a dinosaur to me.

And that's a very interesting/artistic picture... is it a picture of two polaroid pictures??

Anonymousgrrl said...

never trust a bug who's legs look like they could turn into giant tree trunks, or it's antennae to turn into lasers at any moment. :)

Anonymous said...

I know for a FACT it's not a Giant Water Bug. But I don't know what it is. Ugh, now I've got the creepy crawlies.

Anonymous said...

Ewwww that thing gives me the heebee jeebies - yuck! I hope your son sorts out his Star Wars/Disney identity crisis :)

Mermaid Melanie said...

i think they call them stink bugs. not sure. I have seen plenty of them when i lived in texas. they are harmless.

its prehistoric looking though isn't it!?

Anonymous said...

It isn't a bee. That's all I know..

CaCaBoy said...

It would have been called "dead" if I were home. I hope Aidan stays Yoda forever!

Chick said...

What the hell is that thing?

I'd have moved out of the state by now.

Anonymous said...

actually I think it's kinda cool, could you mail it to me?

Lucy Stern said...

I think it is a stink bug too. We do have them over here in Texas. Just don't mess with it...

If that thing lands on you, it will stick to you for dear life and you will be screaming out of your head.

My grandson want to be "Mario" I think he plays way too many video games.

Anonymous said...


I'd be more impressed if he called himself Worf. ;)


tonymyles said...

That bug will scare me again when I dream tonight.