Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I now climb onto my soap box....

(Guest Posting from the irrepressible CCB!):

We have been amazed by the Hand of God in our lives. He has placed people in our path that have been amazing help! He has separated me from my comfort zone by allowing what appeared to be a heinous thing to happen, only to strengthen OGO and my faith by giving me a job with a company with a firm belief that IT'S people make or break their success! Not their own business model or clever buying practices. We were facing the very real possibility of my commuting over 80 minutes a day, only to have an amazing Realtor fall at our feet that may have sold our house before it ever made it to the public! 48 hours people! How AWESOME and AMAZING is our God! He has supplied for us the means to be unemployed for 2 MONTHS by bringing us blessings from unexpected places. He has begun the process of reconciliation in us, not with each other OGO is the most incredible woman I have ever met, both in our relationship with Him, but also our relationships with others.

I have come to realize that in our darkest times, the Light of God shines it's brightest! To God be the glory, great things He has done! In all things trust God, and He WILL be your strength. I have always BELIEVED this to be true, now I KNOW it is true. He has shown Himself to me in ways I am still trying to fully grasp. It is my sincere hope that every person has the chance to find out about the God I know. Not the God the world thinks we serve. Our God is AWESOME beyond compare and has NEVER let us down. He has always shown us grace in every situation, and we are always better for that.


CaCaBoy said...

I hope I didn't get too preachy, babe! I just woke up with the joy of the Lord in my soul!

Anonymous said...

I'm not at all religious but it's funny how things happen when you think you're at rock bottom. I came to London after splitting with my ex on a bit of a whim really without a job or anywhere to live. Within 24 hours of arriving with my suitcase with just the promise a friend's floor to crash on for a couple of days I had both. 4 years later I met Ben and the rest they say is history.

Lucy Stern said...

CCB, the Lord is always there to help you, all you have to do is have faith and ask..... You have not been too preachy, you just gave your testimony, and what a powerful testimony it is.....Thanks and good luck with your new job and the move.

Lorna said...

good soap box, guys