Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm mad as heck and I'm not gonna take it anymore!

I'm just not sure how to stop it....

We have a neighbor that lives a couple of houses away that has cats breeding all the time. It's ridiculous. A while back a new family bought the house right next to him. The cats started taking over their house as well. THEY decided to make some of them their own and are putting collars on them and having them fixed. (That's a step in the right direction.) How do I know they are having them fixed? Oh because I met the lady the other day. She had creeped into my backyard in pursuit of her cat. (She scared the living daylights out of my daughter when she saw someone in our backyard!) I went out to see what the heck she was doing. She told me that her cat had a litter of kittens and she thought they were at my house. RRR! So we scour the yard and my son finds them. They are WAY little and we don't want to move them. I agree to let them stay until the mother moves them. The lady agrees to come and get them if it becomes a nuisance.

Today I return from dropping my son off at preschool to see there is a wet spot underneath my outdoor swing. I go closer to investigate and I'm accosted by the pungent odor of cat spray. I am absolutely livid! Some *Bleepin* cat has sprayed the cushions on my swing! Do you know how difficult it is to get rid of that smell?! These darn cats come and poop in my yard, they leave dirty footprints on my cars and the leave their hair in my patio chairs. We've had to take in the removable cushions because I found hairballs on them.

Now don't get me wrong. I love animals. I have a cat of my own, but my cat doesn't bother anyone because it doesn't go outside. I'm not saying that my way is the right way. I'm just saying that my choice to have a pet doesn't affect anyone but me. I'm tired of having to run cats out of my yard. I'm tired of cleaning up their crap, their hairballs, and now frickin' cat spray. I'm tired of them YOWLING at all hours of the night. I don't know why they are coming to have their babies at my house. I'm hoping it won't be MY problem for much longer since we are moving but I can't handle them damaging my stuff. Does anyone have any tips or tricks to deter or repel the cats from my property? Animal control would be a good idea except they don't get in a hurry to respond. We've called them for other things and have always been blown off. I've had it.


Granny Annie said...

We have a neighbor who keeps his boat in one of the stalls in our barn. We have a ton of barn cats,so he sprinkles some stuff around his boat that keeps the cats away from his boat. It doesn't bother my dog or my chickens. It is something he buys aw WalMart.

bekah said...

BB gun practice? Or paintball! Then you know FOR SURE if you hit them.

Also, yeah, I have no idea that doesn't involve hitting them with something.

Lorna said...

my sympathies. no tricks though, sorry

Anonymous said...

I hate cats (brought on by owning one for 10 years) so I can't vouch for my actions if there were a whole colony of them living and breeding in my back garden.

My husband's family had a cat that used to come in who they called Stealer Cat and they used to squirt that one with a water pistol, most cats hate water so it was a good deterrent.

Lucy Stern said...

It's simple, you need a dog....When our dog died last year, I realized that he was the one keeping stray cats our of our back yard....I looked out the back door the other day and there were three cats sitting in our back yard. I went into the garage to get some chicken out of the freezer and a big black cat was sleeping in a yard chair...He looked at me and I looked at him and went on my way....Get a dog.