Friday, August 07, 2009


Wanna know what makes me mad? I'm gonna tell you anyway.

It makes me mad when you work hard to pay off two credit cards and the company that holds the cards sends you letters telling you that one of them they have decided to lower the limit on and the other they have decided to close. WHAT? They listed the same reasons for their actions in both letters. Saying that our balances went up to fast. Saying we didn't have ENOUGH cards open longer than 36 months. LIARS! I think the problem was that our balances went DOWN to fast. They didn't like they idea that they were no longer making money off us. FOUR credit cards older than 36 months old isn't ENOUGH? LIARS!

So for our effort they get to screw up the credit rating we have worked so hard to raise. By their actions our ratio of debt to available credit changed. I haven't seen how this has affected my credit score yet. WHY? Because when I went to log into the credit account that actually keeps me notified of my score, I was told that since I had no activity on that card (ONE MORE I PAID OFF!)they wouldn't allow me to access that info. FOUL!


There. THAT'S what makes me mad. I'm done now. Carry on.


begins with v said...

They are the devil!!! And so is bank of america! They kept slowly raising my interest rate every month without notifying me, and then it jumped from 15 to like 26...not I called them and they said, "oh, you were a day late with you last payment so we had to raise it." I am with you...they are the worst companies to deal with!

Chick said...

& they wonder why theres a credit problem in this country.

Lorna said...

you can't expect to put the words "fair" and "credit card" in the same sentence. As for "credit rating", I put it in the same sentence with "totally unnecessary" all the time.

Lucy Stern said...

Misty, they are doing this all over the country..... You are not the only one... What they don't like is that you paid them off and they are not making money off of you. It is more important that you are out of debt.... If you still have a credit card for emergencies then you are OK...