Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Things are looking up!

Mr. Man who seemed to be dragging his feet never stopped his quest to purchase our house. It appears that the lender was making the troubles. Apparently he switched lenders without telling anyone. We thought he had given up and disappeared. BUT NO! This new lender worked it all out and called our agent yesterday and said he'd been approved! Today he is signing a new contract and giving her his earnest money. We are further along now than we ever were before! Fingers crossed! Saying our prayers! There is a light at the end of this tunnel. Let's hope it's not a train!


Granny Annie said...

Hip Hip Hooray! It is okay if it is a train as long as it is the Little Train That Could!

The Funky Bee said...

HOORAY!!! I'll be thinking about you and keeping my fingers crossed. Everything is going to work out just fine! Can't wait for the next update. Hang in there OGO