Friday, August 05, 2011


I'm thinking I want to start an Etsy store.  I love to crochet and knit and I love to get money.  Sounds like a match made in heaven right?!  I have a bit of a problem.  I have SO many different project ideas bouncing around in my head I just need to get my personal project done so I can start inventory projects!  LOL!  There are so many more crafts I'd like to learn.  Jewelry making looks fun.  Soap making sounds cool.  Card making?  Check!  If only I had the money and the space for all the supplies I'd need! 

I have a few completed projects that are stashed away but it's been a while since I made them.  I can't remember fiber content etc to give a thorough description.  I guess I'll keep them for gifts. 

OH!  Granny Annie!  I ran across a pattern for making scrubbies like the ones you sent me after your bike naming contest!  I can't wait to make some more!  :D

1 comment:

Granny Annie said...

Take bits of paper and write all your project ideas down. Shake them up in a hat and pick one. Make that your starting place. Otherwise you'll keep debating and never get started. Try making the scrubbies. They go fast and people love them. I made them during Ron's chemo and radiation treatments and handed them out to patients. They wanted to buy more but I didn't want to turn my giving into a business venture.