Saturday, August 06, 2011


Wow so many of my favorite old bloggers have moved on from this place.  Back in the day we were quite the crew!  Now I have to go out and meet new bloggers.  New people who make me laugh, teach me something new, or enthrall  me with their stories.  Don't worry old "FAVES"  I'm not letting you off the hook, you are stuck with me.  It's just a little quiet around here and I like a little noise!

Wish me luck!


techymike said...

Since you've returned, I've tossed around the idea of trying to start blogging again, but my problem is that I just don't know what I'd post about. I've gotten so used to posting a quick line or two on Facebook that it seems like it would take forever to come up with more than that for the blog!

Oh great One said...

I hope you do jump back in Techymike! I'd love to know how life has been treating you! If not you should hook me up with your facebook info so we can keep in touch that way! :D

Lorna said...

I have been so dismal about the way FB took over from blogging; I like FB but I really love reading the more substantial stuff that people write on their blogs. And as I recall, there have been some recipes. yummy

Granny Annie said...

Facebook is gradually devouring everyone. I'm there and it has addicted me to short posts. I am trying to keep my blog posts short as well but sometimes I get carried away and post TMI.

Cat said...

much, much luck! Have to agree with ya on the Facebook take over of the bloggers. I have a FB page but I rarely post anything there and when I do, it's usually something related to a post on my blog - but those too are few and far between.
I miss our old gang too!!!! :(

Cat said...

love the new look btw!