So we are back on our school schedule and things are going well. Homework seems to be a lot heavier this year. I'm not exactly happy about that but what can I do? My daughter has taken on a heavy class load this year by taking HONORS classes. We expected it to be tougher but we didn't expect the homework to increase as much as it has. I give her kudos for hanging in there and getting it done though. I really hope the heavy class load will benefit her in the end. My son who is only in 2nd grade comes home with a heavy load as well. So by default I also have homework. Lots of checking math and quizzing of spelling words. Don't forget the nightly reading. SHEESH!
This year Aidan decided to join Cub scouts. I made it very clear to him that if he decided to join, and we spent all the money for uniforms and patches that he would have to see it through. It gave him pause, but in the end he decided to do it. I'm glad he did. Mostly. Already it has forced us to get out of our comfort zone which is good for us. Sometimes we get stuck in the same ol' same ol' and we miss opportunities to grow. Scouting is shaking things up a little. We've already met great new people and had new experiences that have been terrific for the entire family. On the downside we are struggling to get the information we need to participate. When we signed up we gave out our email and phone numbers but we haven't been getting any info that seems to be mostly in email form. We've missed one meeting and struggled to get enough information to attend the local college football game. Getting there wasn't the issue. Making sure my boy got to take advantage of the opportunity to go down on the field and meet the coach proved to be tricky. I've made it known to everyone we aren't in the loop and I hope we are finally getting somewhere with all that. I mean we've been selling popcorn and have all our gear, shouldn't we be able to go to a meeting? The leaders all claim to be laid back, and I appreciate that. (So does my wallet, since we don't have to purchase a WHOLE uniform.) I just think that laid back shouldn't mean crappy communication. Other than that we are pleased! Ha ha ha!
Sorry it's taken so long to post. I was doing so good, but it's not routine yet.
A "laid back" organization is a sloppy organization. You are going to have to stay on top of things and make personal communication on all matters to stay updated. I have no doubt that you can insert yourself into that "loop" for you son's sake.
Sounds like you have a busy year in store:)
We always gave our kids that same story about commitment; sometimes it worked, sometimes I sabotaged it myself. When Chris was in Scouts (for one day) everybody made fun of him because he couldn't read the oath. I had no trouble excusing him from that commitment. No learning happened at Scouts because we didn't make a fuss, but I just didn't want to add to Chris's load....and I don't like making a fuss either.
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