Thursday, June 29, 2006

Um...That was awkward....

I stepped outside to get my mail from the mail box just as my neighbor across the street was getting out of his car. He turns my direction and we exchange hellos. Then he asks,"When are you due?" I never told him I was pregnant. He must have got the info from my other neighbor. Sadly he must not have recieved an update.

What do you say? It was an innocent question. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. I just replied," I'm not anymore. I lost the baby a few weeks ago." I saw his face change but I didn't know what to say. He tried to offer condolences and asked if we were gonna try again. I told him I didn't think we were and he said,"Aw come on. I'm sure it would be fine this time." I just smiled and said,"Maybe you're right." (I wasn't going to discuss this with him.)

Yeah, I hope that doesn't happen again. Do you think I handled it ok?

Hey! It's FRIDAY! I hope you all have a great day and a fabulous weekend!


CCCCppppCCppp said...

I think you did just fine. You handled yourself with grace under pressure. You were sympathetic to your neighbor's distress even though you were distressed. Good for you. Because this is a situation you might encounter again it might be wise to sit down with a good friend and role play a little bit so you can get more comfortable with your response.

Trinity13 said...

You handled it extremelly well! I wouldn't have been so nice.

Have a wonderful weekend yourself!

The Funky Bee said...

oh my...that is a very sensitive subject for both sides involved. I think you handled it well. That's a tough one OGO!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I miss you! I haven't been able to check in on you. I hope you're feeling okay and your family is helping you get better :O)

Anonymous said...

I know how the poor guy felt - I came into work while recovering from shingles and said to a girl who was pregnant before I went sick that she'd better not come too close as I might pass on the chickenpox virus and harm her baby, not knowing she had a miscarriage while I was off sick. I found myself apologising like mad and felt awful.

You handled it absolutely perfectly, although he should have known better than to ask personal questions like that. He was just very embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

Your answer was fine.
Actually you could probably have hit him in the head with a brick and got away with it if you wanted to.
Just for future reference.
Have a great weekend..

Lorna said...

there 's no way that could have been anything but awkward, but awkward sometimes happens because people are well-intentioned. You could live somewhere people never talk to their neighbours. Signed, Miss Pollyanna

Lucy Stern said...

You handled it just fine. He was probably nervous and didn't know what to say. Usually that is when we open our mouth and insert foot. He is probably inside his house saying, "Oh man, I just screwed that all up." Don't worry, it was an innocent exchange.

Have a happy fourth.

The Humanity Critic said...

You handled it perfectly, you would have had every right to read the guy the riot act but you showed that you have class. Have a great holiday weekend!!

CaCaBoy said...

I'll go over there, if you want me too!?

Purring said...

You did great. Hugs, by the way.

Jay said...

Yeah, that's just a dumb situation, isn't it? No good way to go about it, but you were kind to him and you both survived. Now enjoy the weekend yourself!

Mad Housewife said...

Sorry you had to go through that. I don't know what I would've done. Hope you're doing much better now.

Stranger said...

weellll..if it was me instead of you in that situation, my badass alter ego the Pizzaslinger would've kung foo'ed his arse into next week. Or I would've said the following..
Him: "Aww come on.I'm sure it would be fine this time."
Me" What are you? My freakin Gynecologist? What the hell kind of comment is that you inconsiderate lout? Gett outta my face you prick before I kick your nuts in so far you choke on 'em!
...Hmm.....maybe thats a bit too much???.......But I think under the circumstances, you handled the most awkward situation with alot of composure..tho I'm sure you probably would've love to kung foo his arse yourself. Love the Blog!