Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Walk this way!!!!

Does anyone walk anymore? Last night my sweet CCB and I took the kids to walk the 3 blocks to Baskin Robbins. I've always loved taking walks in the evening it's relaxing to me. I've noticed here though, people seem to look at us like we are strange. I started paying attention and I rarely see anyone walking here. There are no sidewalks or very few anyway. There aren't any crosswalks except in front of the school. What's up with that? We have to cross a pretty busy street to get to the ice cream shop and we have to wait for just the right moment and literally run to make it across! It's crazy!

Are evening walks a thing of the past?


Trinity13 said...

I love taking evening walks with my family. It's great exercise and it helps calm my son down for the day.

Anonymous said...

I love taking walks with the dogs in the evenings around our neighborhood. A few of my neighbors walk daily for exercise, too.

Kelly said...

I can't wait to move into a neighborhood where my husband and I can walk at night. We use to all the time before we moved to our current place.

Tim said...

Kym and I go for walks every night that we're both home. We have a very walking friendly neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Walking is still very popular here. In the day it's families and in the evening it's people walking their dogs.
And at night it's a steady stream of drunks..

Anonymous said...

Walking is still very popular here. In the day it's families and in the evening it's people walking their dogs.
And at night it's a steady stream of drunks..

Lorna said...

We have some great walking here, but I think---no, I know, that there are a whole lot of people who are afraid to walk---and sadly, who can blame them...

Lucy Stern said...

I enjoy evening walks too. I wonder if they are not walking right now because of the mesquitos. They are horrible here in Houston and I'll bet they are the same over there in Lousiana. We don't have any sidewalks in our neighborhood so we walk on the side of the street, out of the way of cars. Keep up the walking, but put plenty of bug spray on so you don't get West Nile.

Chick said...

I like walking too...If I can get Hubby to join me in the evening...even better. Heck, for ice cream...I'd even jog.

CCCCppppCCppp said...

Lots of walkers here. Half with dogs and plastic bags. We live by the water and they are very big on scooping because run off destroys the shellfishing beacause of the E.Coli from dog poop.

Anonymous said...

Evening walks rock, especially on nice summer evenings, especially with ice cream at the end of it too, it sounds perfect!

The Funky Bee said...

I used to LOVE taking walks with my family after dinner. AND we OFTEN walked to get ice cream at Baskin Robins. There was a big rock out front and we'd eat our ice cream on it. Maybe they are a thing of the past where you are (it does get super hot there) but in my neighborhood there isnt a moment where you don't see someone walking alone, with their kids, their dog, something...?