Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wanna know what I think? Huh huh do ya? I think they tried to push CCB into quitting. I think they made it extra hard on him by taking away days off, by making him do the same task multiple times because they decided to do it differently and by ignoring his pleas for better help. (We wondered if his direct boss had some sort of memory problem because he would tell CCB to do something then deny it later.)I think that since he didn't quit they decided just to take him out. I think that CCB's boss knew it wasn't fair and in order to make himself feel better about it he built things up in his head and took them as slaps to his own integrity. It makes it easier to fire someone if you are angry at them doesn't it? (By the way they are doing the same thing to a friend of CCB's. They left him without additional management staff for 9 months!)

Why does it matter? Why do I care? I care because the man that came and refused CCB's resignation was the man we thought was wonderful. The man came in and took CCB under his wing and promised to help him in spite of the other manager CCB had to deal with. This is the man that gave CCB scripture to pass on to me to help calm my nerves after they found the lumps on my thyroid. The man that offered to call me and assure me that he was going to keep helping CCB when he got a new much higher position in the company. Then he distanced himself from CCB after the hurricane came through. They didn't speak nearly as much. Then it came to this. I just can't seem to wrap my mind around why this man who claimed to be so fond of my CCB would turn around and turn this termination into a personal attack. It doesn't make sense.

I'll never know why I guess. Unless he finds some other reason to call us at home. Isn't that just weird? Any who.....I know this was a rambling mess. It probably didn't make much sense I'm not even going to proof read. I promised my CCB that I would stop dwelling on the past and look to the future so maybe just writing it down will help me move on. We'll see.


Granny Annie said...

I am praying that you found some element of relaxation in this weekend.

Chick said...

These people who seem to have a save their own ass at the cost of all else attitude just plain suck...I've dealt with them before myself...there is no explaining it any more than that...he'll get his in the end...I hope.

(not very charitable of me...but what can I say...I've come in contact with too many people like that I guess).

Plus you guys still have your integrity...that's more than I can say for him & his kind.

OK, I might be done now.

Lucy Stern said...

I know it is a puzzle but you need to be positive....CCB needs your support right now and he wants this to be less stressful....You will probably never know what really happened and right now it won't help to worry about it.....Pray for more interviews.....I remember when TF went through something like this yearsssss ago..He came out the better and never looked back...Actually it ended up being a blessing in our lives.

I'm here praying for you....

The Funky Bee said...

I've been through it before and unfortunately, when stuff gets sticky at work, the upper management can never be trusted. You always have to cover your own ass and make sure the things that are due to you are coming so you all did EVERYTHING right, and you know it! Hope you all are okay, I know things will work out for the best for you guys.