Can you believe we STILL haven't closed on our house? We put it on the market like 6 six months ago or so. We had several people try to get a loan to purchase it. Most of them failed. Had one man write a contract for it about 3 months ago and then the deal fell through. Little did we know he had switched lenders and tried again. This time the closing date was Sept 5th. That day has come and gone. We've signed an extension. Stress is high at this point. The fear that once again the lender won't follow through. It's getting scary.
Last night I got a message that the lender has called my agent. They are hoping to close next week. I still don't have an appointement but it's a ray of hope. PLEASE OH PLEASE let this deal go through.....
I'm praying for you OGO but let me tell you from experience, now that the financial industry has basically screwed themselves and millions of people they have decided to be very conservative about giving out loans these days!!
My husband and I have been trying for the last 2 months to get a loan to renovate our home. We were told that we have perfect credit, our income is right where it needs to be, we have no debt and are in good financial standing...BUT, in order to get a loan we need to have 15% of the loan amount we want, 24 months of interest payments and another 24 months of some other payments in the bank in order to get the loan!!!!!!!! WHAT??!! If I had that kind of money in the bank I wouldn't need a loan...looks like we're all screwed now.
Hope everything works out for you. Keeping my fingers crossed. Keep us posted.
Relax! Breath in, breath out! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and praying a silent little prayer for you......
Funky Bee, I bet the bank is leary about putting more money into a house when the market is so shaky.
I've got my fingers crossed for you---these are hard times.
This buyer really wants your house. He is trying diligently to purchase it. I am praying diligently that all will be well. My kids closing date kept getting pushed and pushed and it was all the lender's fault but they held tight and it worked. Yours will too.
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