Sunday, July 31, 2011


For the few of you who were around when we were struck by the unemployment bug, we're on our way back.  The job my husband took has proven to be a blessing to us.  It's true that there was a big cut in salary, but there was also a cut in stress, and hours.  There are more important things than money, we actually get to see each other now!  Gone are the 7am to 10pm twice a week shifts.  Gone is the gnarly commute time.  A pleasant plus is that these people actually appreciate my husband.  They give him credit when it is due.  They don't hammer away at him and make him feel terrible like the old place did. 

On July 5th they officially promoted CCB.  It was the perfect scenario.  The very thing I had been hoping for.  By promoting him HERE my daughter gets to stay in the same school.  We get to avoid a move that would have likely been short term.  My honey gets to get his feet wet in his new position here and when a spot opens up where he wants to go (Oklahoma) then we can go for it.  I wish my daughter could finish High school here but that remains to be seen. 

For the first time in our relationship, my husband has a set schedule.  I can plan my meals and schedule outings.  It's a whole new world!  So what started out as an ugly turn of events, deception and backstabbing, were replaced by nothing but good things!  It took a little time to see all that positives coming from such hurt.  I can't help but believe there is more on the horizon for us.  My hope is back. 


Kim @ Him, Him Me said...

Hi, thankyou for the comment you left on my blog. i'm glad things have worked out for your husband' jobwise

Mad Housewife said...

OMG, OGO! Your post is an Addison Road song! "Everything rides on hope now. Everything rides on faith, somehow. And when the world has broken me down, Your love sets me free!"
I am super-happy for your family :)
And I admit I'm looking forward to a move to OK if it is His will ;)

Lorna said...

I'm so happy for you.

Granny Annie said...

Nothing more to say than Hip-Hip-Hooray!!!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! Everything happens for a reason, best wishes to you and your family :)