Monday, August 01, 2011


Got a message from my sister today telling me that my dad was in the hospital.  He'd been admitted last night.  We live hundreds of miles away from them and it kills me at times like this.  I feel so helpless.  Nothing I can do but wait and call for updates.  The first time I called him he sounded weak and sleepy.  Said they had brought his blood sugars down from somewhere in the 800's to 240 or so.  Found out he has a staph infection.  Glad he's getting treatment.

A few hours later I called back and found a totally different voice on the other end of the phone.  Much more spunky and much  more like my dad.  I know he will be OK.  I know that he is in good hands, but there is just something about being there.  SEEING that he's OK and that he's getting what he needs.  It's something that eats at me each time something happens to someone I love who lives somewhere I don't.

If you love someone, tell them!


Lorna said...

Imagine if you didn't feel that way---how different your life would be. It's hard but the compassion is worth it.

Oh great One said...

I hadn't thought of it that way Lorna. You are absolutely right.

Mad Housewife said...

Sorry to hear your dad is ill. Hope he feels better soon :)